The Three T's of Scripture
1. How were you encouraged/challenged by the Bible Study?
2. The stated goal of Mike’s message was to clear up any confusion the believer may have regarding the differences, the definitions, the origin(s), the intention/purpose, and how to successfully navigate Temptations, Trials, and Tests.
What, if anything, did you learn regarding the differences between the three?
What, if anything, did you learn regarding how to successfully navigate the three to your good, and God’s glory?
3. Mike mentioned 3 evidences of Jesus’ encounter with Satan that He exemplified in His rebuke of Satan, which in turn caused him to leave Jesus for a season. (Matthew 4:1-11). When you are tempted, is there one of the examples Jesus revealed that you tend to lean on the most for your success? If so, what is it and why?
4. In what way does knowing Satan has to leave you during a temptation, through the authority of Jesus, give you comfort? What does that truth encourage you to do?
5. Are there any additional lessons you believe David and Paul learned from their trials? If so, what might they be? What lessons from the trials of your life have your learned?
6. Trials and Tests often occur together. Is there a particular trial/test you are currently experiencing? Do you feel free to share it? How are you navigating it/them for success?